Quiz: moderate real comments
Test your moderator instincts on a new set of comments, selected from the hundreds of thousands checked by moderators working in the “Less Hate, More Speech” project!
After you decide what you would do with each comment, you will receive feedback based on the rules created in the project by the Median Research Centre (MRC) researchers and the journalists from the partner websites (GSP.ro, Tolo.ro, Paginademedia.ro and Blogsport.ro).
Try this five-minute quiz and find out how your choices fit with the “Less Hate” moderation rules (quiz available only in Romanian).
A few results from the first quiz, filled out by over 1,600 people:
- over half of those who tried it were on the same wavelength as us on at least 5 out of 7 comments, but only 7% got all of the questions right;
- the hardest question was the first one, where only 37% of users got the right answer;
- the easiest was the third, where 91% made the same decision we would have made.
Find out more about what happened in the 14 months of comment moderation on the partner websites.
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Less Hate, More Speech – Youngsters Get Involved!
The project is run by Median Research Centre (MRC) in partnership with Educ Association and targets young people between 12 and 17 years old, in order to help them better identify and react to online and offline hate speech.
More, on the project’s website.